notecf2.txt contextfree 2018 08 01 To do. Consider if this is worth doing more work. Does anyone care? run contextfreefuture2.txt. It is the most updated, but not tested. consider using diffrent file names. Change bash file name extensions to .sh. check for updated source files. Delete duplicate items in the source folders. manifest, description of some files. bash script old= contextold2.txt bash script current= contextfree2.txt bash script future= contextfuture2.txt notes, this file. notecf2.txt origional archive file containing context free script. ccfiles12212017.tar.gz detailed log of running this bash script. logapp.log contents of terminal, after running this bash script. terminal.txt The following is a dump of some commands I used. Some commands to edit lsR.txt into contextfree2.txt. rpl -e "\n" "\nFILE2=" contextfree8.txt; rpl -e "\nFILE2=\n" "" contextfree8.txt; rpl -e "FILE2=PATH2=" "\nPATH2=" contextfree8.txt; rpl "uploads/" "PATH2=" cr4.txt; rpl -e ":" "\nFILE2=" cr4.txt; rpl -e "FILE2=\n" "FILE2=" cr4.txt; rpl ".cfdg" "; F2_cfdg;" cr4.txt; rpl -e "\nFILE2=" "XXXXXX\nFILE2=" cr4.txt; "; F2_cfdg; Some commands to list files and directories. ls -R ${IN2} > ${OUT2}/lsR.txt; ls ${IN2}/*/*/*/*.cfdg > ${OUT2}/ls4.txt; ls ${IN2}/*/*/*/*/*.cfdg > ${OUT2}/ls5.txt; Some commands to copy files. cp contextfree2.txt ${OUT2}; cp ccfiles12212017.tar.gz ${OUT2}; cp notecf2.txt ${OUT2}; cp /etc/debian_version ${OUT2}; # su; apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -y zip; # zip -r contextfree3 contextfree2;